Category Archives: KDE

Getting my swap back

Lately my pc was slowing down when using KDevelop and Chromium together and completely froze when I launched amarok as well.
Something was up but I couldn’t quite figure what it was. I kept on thinking that it was my laptop (an acer 5930g – yes, the one that still suffers from the acpi bug from kernel 2.3 2.6.3   ) until I noticed in my htop that my swap was 0/0MB.
Quite odd indeed..
I don’t know what caused it to be like that but in the end I solved the problem with
a few lines from my konsole.
Here’s the solution:

swapoff -a
mkswap /dev/your-swap-partition
swapon -a

et voilà! your swap partition will be restored! Plus, no more slow downs on my pc when developing! \o/

A little update

Hi folks!
Just wanted to give you lot a quick update on how things are going with KDE-Telepathy.
One word: GREAT!
Today I finished implementing the global presence setting for the presence applet and a patch is in review for the contactlist.
We’ve also decided to switch to haze msn instead of butterfly. The main reason for this change is that butterfly does not support the SASLChannel, which means it cannot use kwallet (plus it was a bit buggy).
As David said in his previous blog post we’ve also got a cool drag ‘n’ drop feature from the contact list to the kde-plasma desktop! \o/
We’ve entered the hard feature freeze and now we’ll be polishing things up.
So help us do a good job by testing our software and reporting bugs so that we can assure you a good user experience!

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Woshibon spot the difference

Hi all!
A quick post to let you guys have a bit of fun. Let’s play spot the difference!
Can you find the differences between these two photo’s shown below? They differ by a year.
The subjects to look for are: grundelborg, d_ed, drdanz, drf_ and andrunko. You should be able to spot them quite easily 😉

kde-tp sprint 1

kde-tp Woshibon sprint 2

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Woshibo (Telepathy sprint) audio call

My aim for the woshibo sprint (kde-telepathy sprint) is to get something going for audio/video calls in kde-telepathy.
The sprint started off well. We discussed a lot about how the project is to evolve and sorted out the problems we currently have

woshibo whiteboard

This afternoon I was depressed because I was having problems on my pc that NOBODY else was but in the end I managed to sort things out after bugging a Collabora guy and George K. (which I thank for not having killed
me for asking him 1.000.000 questions).
So in the end I managed to call George K on his n900 with my pc and listen to him speak 🙂
So that’s a +1 for kde-tp!

Just to let you guys know what’s currently going on:

mck182 – currently working on the “now playing” plugin
shocklaterboy92 – currently working on a new plugin system for kde-tp-chat
domme – telepathy kde logging
d_ed – furious bug fixing and kwallet integration
drdanz – auth handler + file transfer awesomeness
gkiaga – mental farsight fixing
grundelborg & drf – talking about stuff out of my league that I can’t comprehend. So it’s gonna be awesome 😉
me – telepathy-kde-call-ui

So as you see, we’re all quite busy here.
Stay tuned for more news on the Woshibo sprint!

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Telepathy Contact Applet Goes Public!

As promised, I bring you KDE-Telepathy-Contacts!
The KDE sysadmins have kindly accepted my kde repo request and now my plasmoid is in the Telepathy playground.

Before I release version 0.1 I need to wait for reviewboard to be set up and do some final checks on my code with the help of my kde-telepathy colleagues.

If you can’t wait for the release (should be in just a few daysthis will be discussed at our sprint) you can checkout the git repo git clone and build from source.

Have fun! 🙂

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I bring you KDE-Telepathy contacts!

Hello all!
Cool thing happened today, I finished the Contact plasmoid for KDE-Telepathy! Yaaaaay!
This plasmoid is a simple 128×128 plasmoid that sits on your desktop and let’s you keep your favorite contact (or contacts if you have many friends) always at hand.
The contact presence status is displayed by a coloured frame on the outside. If you click on the plasmoid you’ll get a drop down menu with the possible/available actions you can use with that contact according
to your kde-telepathy capabilities and the ones of the selected contact.
I started off using the ktelepathy library nepomuk model for this plasmoid but ran into some problems halfway through so I had to fallback to the telepathy model (model we use in our contactlist component).
But no worries, we kde-telepathy devs have a sprint coming soon (September) where we will discuss problems and the future of the project and solve annoying issues.
I really believe in the integration of KDE apps data into nepomuk so don’t worry, we’ll get there.
Until my plasmoid goes public you can take a look at this nice video I hope you all will appreciate.


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How to: Nepomuk QML plugin

Hello all!

Today I’ll be talking about something useful (apparently) for all those wanting to use
data stored in Nepomuk via a QML plasmoid.

So, let’s start!

First of all you need a C++ class able to extract info from nepomuk and store it in a class (don’t ask me how to do that. It’s black magic for me at the moment).
In our case (KDE-Telepathy) we have contacts stored in nepomuk and the info we need are the usual im infos one would want to know about a contact: mail, nickname, online presence, presence message and all that kind of stuff.

So, once you’ve got this sorted out it’s time to create your “QML export plugin” or whatever you want to call it.

Your plugin class will have to inherit “QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin”.
Here is a header file so you can see what’s to be done (taken from my plugin in the ktelepathy library)



* @class DeclarativePlugins
* @brief Class to enable access via QML
* This class permits QML plasmoids to access data stored by the library
* @author Francesco Nwokeka

class DeclarativePlugins : public QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin

void registerTypes(const char *uri);

Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(declarativeplugins, DeclarativePlugins)

The QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin::registerTypes is a virtual funtion so it’s to be re-implemented.
“What is that function supposed to do?” you’re probably thinking.

Well as documentation says:

“Registers the QML types in the given uri. Subclasses should implement this to call qmlRegisterType() for all types which are provided by the extension plugin. The uri is an identifier for the plugin generated by the QML engine based on the name and path of the extension’s plugin library.”

so, let’s see how we’re supposed to re-implement this function.


#include "declarativeplugins.h"
#include "everyone-person-set-model.h"


void DeclarativePlugins::registerTypes(const char* uri)
Q_ASSERT(uri == QLatin1String("org.kde.telepathy.declarative"));

qmlRegisterType(uri, 0, 1, "ContactListModel");

#include "declarativeplugins.moc"

As you can see, the “uri” (identifier for the plugin) is the string to be used in your qml file to actually “import” the QML plugin.

Once you’ve defined how you want to import your plugin, you’ll have to define the C++ type in the QML system so that you can access it via import that in this case will be something like this:

import org.kde.telepathy.declarativeplugins 0.1 as TelepathyDeclarative

and the C++ class will be defined in QML like this:

qmlRegisterType(uri, 0, 1, "ContactListModel");

To access the class from your QML file you’ll have to write a line like the following:


So once you’ve defined these few things you’re ready to go! Hope this helped!

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KDE Telepathy 0.1 Part 3 of 5 – Presence Management

Part 3/5 of the KDE-Telepathy mega-awesome-killer preview release saga!

In this part I’ll illustrate the presence applet shipped in version 0.1 to handle your account presence status.

As you can see, there have been little graphical changes from the previous version. I mostly concentrated in fixing bugs and usability problems.
Soon in master will be added a context menu for fast presence setting and the other plasmoid components for the KDE-Telepathy frameworks are being worked on, so you’ll be hearing more on that soon.

In the mean time have fun using our components and report bugs so that we can let you have a better experience with kde-telepathy!


KDE-Telepathy presence plasmoid preview (alpha-release)

After various discussions and reading about users preferences and ideas, this is how the presence plasmoid will look in the kde-telepathy pre-alpha release.

normal view

As you can see I’ve opted for the extended view showing the user all his contacts and status info.
On the left panel there is what I call the “global” panel. From this panel you control all your im accounts and set nickname, status message, presence and avatar.
On the right there is the “detail” panel. Panel where all your im accounts are shown. These accounts can be modified individually for what concerns their presence and avatar.

You’ll have noticed that there is also a scroll bar in the right panel. I implemented this because not everyone is able to figure out how to scroll a list view *sigh* and also because it might be easier for people to use instead of the mouse wheel or dragging the list.

The scroll bar is shown when the height of the applet is inferior to the number of accounts to be shown. When the scroll bar is not needed, this will fade out and leave some extra space in you plasmoid (see below).

expanded view


There are some implementations I could not add in this version because I need version 4.7 of kde and plasma2 to be able to implement them.
So when kde will be updated you’ll find some extras like:
~ context menu for quick presence setting
~ explanatory tooltips
~ use of QML components from dakerfp’s GSoC project

The plasmoid has been merged into kde-telepathy’s main branch of the applet repo. You can find it here.

For those who can’t wait for kde-telepathy to be packaged and released, here are the instructions on how to get everything up and running.
For troubleshooting take a look here.


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Sneak peak at the new kde-telepathy-presence plasmoid

Hello hello KDE fans! New kid on the block! Let’s cut to the point shall we?

Who am I?

What is my GSoC project about?

It’s called “Integrating Kde-telepathy into the plasma workspace”. I’ll be creating some useful plasmoids aimed to be simple and easy to use without cluttering up the desktop of the user. These plasmoids will all be related to the kde-telepathy framework

So now that you know what you’ll be seeing from me during this summer, let me show you my first creation: the Presence Plasmoid.


Thanks to the oxygen team, we have a new icon! You can see it in my system tray (the blue bubble). This first screenshot shows how accounts will be shown (I have only one but if you have more accounts, they will all be displayed in the plasmoid).


This second screenshot shows how to set the account state.

You’ll have noticed two icons on the top right of the plasmoid. Those icons (from the left) are launchers used to start the kde-telepathy-contactlist and the account manager.
Easy eh?
This plasmoid is new and so, as all new things, it is and will be subject to “change”.

Get in touch

If anyone has feedback on how to make it graphically
better looking, add functionality or other, please feel free to contact me.
You’ll find me (nwoki) on the kde-telepathy mailing list or in irc #kde-telepathy@freenode.

P.S this plasmoid will be shipped in the beta release of kde-telepathy so don’t worry, you’ll get to try it out soon 😉

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